Saturday 26 January 2013

Unnamed post (we didn't know what to name it)

Okay so I'm assuming that most of our readers are teenager girls (or at least I'm hoping they are....) sooo that gives us the amazing option of trying different styles, makeup looks etc. Here are some really awesome pictures for inspiration, that will maybe encourage you to try something new! After all, aren't our teen years supposed to be when we figure out who we are, and who we want to be? Finding your own individual style is part of that, and how are you supposed to do that in sweat pants and uggs??? P.S We decided to just add makeup, hair, and accessories, which is an easy way to try something different without changing your whole wardrobe!

Multi-coloured lipsticks are so awesome, and they're a fun addition to your makeup collection! Just make sure that the colour you choose suits your skin tone, or it could look really weird!

Liquid eyeliner is literally the best thing ever! You can do so much with it, I love wearing thick winged eyeliner, but you can also wear it super thin! And it will last all day, unlike some pencil liners.

Thursday 20 December 2012


All the women and teenager girls I know have been harassed by men and other women, pretty much their whole lives, I'm talking about catcalls, whistles, comments on facebook, or in the hallway of your school, the list can go on and on. All our lives, especially our teen years we're expected to just deal with the fact that EVERYONE feels the need to point out the positive or the negative about our bodies, and do men realize even the so called positive comments are quite offensive and rude?

   When both boys and girls go through puberty they obviously both deal with insecurities about their bodies, but guys don't have to deal with the constant judging that girls are objectified to. Why is it that as soon as we go through puberty we're automatically assumed to be asking every ones opinion on our figure, since when have we cared about your goddamn opinion on the way we look?? Do guys understand how self-conscious it makes girls feel when their constantly being judged and talked about just because of the way they look?

The obsession with looks needs to stop, all these tv shows, movies, magazines, etc are telling girls what we need to do to become attractive to the opposite sex, but maybe just maybe we choose to dress up, wear make up, or whatever else because it makes us feel good, not because we want men to think we're pretty.


Monday 17 December 2012

Taking a stand

This is something I wrote for my creative writing class. My creative writing teacher got really mad at me and started shouting at me because I was late handing in a project. Riel suggested I post it to the blog, so here it is!

Recently I had a teacher shout at me because I was late handing in a project. When he asked me where it was I said it was at my house(which was true) and that I would bring it in the next day. He went on to tell me that he needed it today, and right now! He also said that I was two weeks late, and had given him excuse after excuse. In fact I was four days handing it in, and had not given him any excuses at all because for three of the four days I was not at school.

After all this had happened I felt very angry with him. However there is some good that came out of this experience. I realized a few very important things that I believe have the power to change the school system for the better. I realized that one of the most important things for children and teenagers is to be able to work in a stress-free environment. Ask any kid at school wether they find school to be stressful, and I can assure you they will say yes. I know most adults reading this are probably thinking the schools are fine, and don't need improvement. If that is so, then why is it that the number of challenged kids at school keeps growing? The number of kids with ADD and ADHD continues to increase. If our schools were getting better, then the children would be the best example. And yet so many of us dread a monday morning, and come home saying we're never going to school again. This doesn't make any sense because kids love to learn! Everyone knows this. So why do kids hate school so much? Ask yourself this.

The answer that I came up with is this; The school is set up to feel like a prison, I mean, just look at an empty hallway and you will understand! And the students, well they can sense this. It's puts them on edge, making it harder for them to learn.

Also, everything we are taught in school is supposed to help us face the 'real world', when in fact it is preparing us for a long life of slavery. To money, to work, and most of all to those who are considered to have authority over us. After all, the easiest way to control people is to make them believe they are free. We think that when we graduate we are finally free. Able to go out into the world and achieve our dreams, and even when we do get our dream there is still one thing most of us fail to see. And this is that every single person who went to school will continue to go through life according to what they learned in school. So what did they really learn in school? They learned that the most important thing is to listen without question to those who have higher social status and power. They learned that the opinions teachers have of their work matter more than their own. They learn that it is normal to feel constantly stressed out, and that it's healthy to sit and listen to someone else talk for six hours everyday, for years, and years, and years. Does this sound like healthy learning to you?

It is my belief that if the method of teaching was changed our schools would be able to teach any kid, without the stress, fear, and anger they would normally have to put up with.

So I ask that any adults or teachers who read this consider all of the above for a few minutes. Because it is important, so important! It is important that the students are surrounded by a safe stress-free environment. And it is crucial that we are told that our thoughts matter, and it is okay to speak up about what we believe. And please don't shout at your students, it's really rude and disrespectful.
And to all the kids who go to school, wether you're six or sixteen, please please please don't be afraid to stand up for yourself! Yes it is hard, and scary, and you might get in trouble. But you know what? It's worth it, and you won't regret it.

-Veda Daunhauer.

Monday 10 December 2012

How to: 1960's hair!

    Today we're going to show you just a few of the many ways you can create that beautiful 1960's       hair! As we've said before, we love the 60's! Makeup, Clothing, And of 'course the hair! This tutorial is fairly easy, but not recommended for everyday use as there is a lot of backcombing and that can be damaging to the hair if done frequently. So keep it to the partaays!

So what you need for this is:

A comb
Bobby pins
Hot rollers (optional)
Hair ties


Start off with putting hot rollers in your hair. You don't have to do this, but it is strongly suggested. They will add volume and a soft feminine look, and curls hold hairstyles better.

Take them out and gently brush through them with your fingers.

Now take a small section at the front of your head and pin it out of the way. Now taking your hair in layers start backcombing. Don't be really rough with your hair! Just gently drag the comb backwards on   your hair.  Hairspray as you go along.

Now once your done take the section you pinned aside and very carefully brush it back over the teased parts. This is going to hide the mess. You can already see how much smoother it looks here than before! We also left two little front sections out, and pinned them around the back to give it a more defined style. See how much more noticeable the bump is now?

Here we pulled the hair into a low side ponytail. You have to be careful though, because it does flatten to poof a bit.

Our last one was actually a mistake. We tried putting the hair into a high pony, but it looked like a weird alien head. So we twisted the hair into a bun instead, and although it's hard to see them, added some flowers. This is a much more formal look. It would also look nice if you took the hair when it was down, and pulled it into a french twist. 

P.S Hairspray hairspray hairspray!!!

So We hope you enjoyed this, and try it for yourself!

- veda & Riel xoxo

Friday 30 November 2012


 We didn't really know how to start this, but this is basically just about our inspirations. These are our most favorite people in the world! Inspirations are so important because they are what define who we are, and who we want to become. For us, they inspire and push us try out and think of new things that we may not of ever thought of before. We honestly don't know where we'd be without them!

Charli xcx is a fairly new and unknown singer, but we just love her!! She has a really unique voice and style. She's just amazing!

 Marina and the diamonds has been our favorite singer for over a year now. We love EVERYTHING about her! We don`t even know where to start! We love every song of hers, and every single outfit she`s ever worn- from bambi moomoos to 50`s beauty queen! She`s just adorable! There`s so much we want to say, but that would take up waaay to much space, so you should just look her up.

 Tavi Gevinson is teen blogger, who got into fashion when she was 11. She has a blog called style rookie, is the editor of the website Rookie, and recently came out with her first book, Rookie yearbook. All that and she`s only 16! She has a crazy sense of style, and really doesn`t care what anyone else thinks.

 Well, this isn`t really a inspiration so much as an obsession. We are in love with almost all of Miu Miu`s shoes. Just look at them, they`re amazing!

Meadham Kirchhoff is just awesome.

Saturday 24 November 2012

How to: 1960's makeup

The 1960's is one of our favourite time periods and we love the makeup, so we thought we  would do a 1960's inspired makeup look. 

First apply white eye shadow all over your eyelid.

Next apply a medium brown or grey eyeshadow in your crease and the outside corner of your eye, blend well.

Repeat the same process with a slightly darker colour to add depth. 
I did classic thick 60's eyeliner, but if u prefer it thin, do what makes you feel comfortable!  (using liquid eyeliner)

I curled her eyelashes, applied some mascara and finished the look off with a light pink lipstick.

If you want a more dramatic 60's look, apply black pencil eyeliner underneath the eye, white eyeliner in the waterline, and false eye lashes!

Thanks for reading!